The Emotional Consequences of Technology
Useful For:
Parents/Guardians of Youth Ages 11-21 | Guidance Counselors | Teachers | School Administrators | PTA/PTOs | Youth Workers | Faith Leaders
Recommended Venue:
Schools | Community Centers | Faith Communities | Local Nonprofits
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Duration: 1.5 hours
Technology is changing the world of teens, especially during COVID. Unless parents and adults get on board with what their teens are doing on smart phones and in cyberspace and WHY, technology can be a threat to emotional wellbeing. This presentation provides a crash course on the technology (social media, apps, etc.) frequently used by teens, as well as insights on why teens feel compelled to be connected 24/7, the relationship between at-risk behavior and technology, and how to parent effectively given today's ever-present technology.
Participants will leave the workshop with:
An understanding of the technological world of social media, apps, and the like that is so captivating for teens
A new perspective on the real, emotional, and risky impact of technology on teens
Real-life strategies for managing technology in their home